Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Naked Nerd Needs Costumes!!!

I love cosplay.

Let's face it, in a whole lot of ways, I just never grew up. I'm actually doing very well, as a Lost Girl. I've found ways to avoid any form of schedule, the need to wear a suit, the need to look "respectable", or any reason to stop watching Disney movies. Even at work. I've managed to create a life where I basically live like a horny, alcoholic 5 year old. I consider this a win.

Of course, there are some things that I am utterly unable to get around, like taxes. Like paying bills. Like keeping track of my own dental appointments - even if I never get a lollipop any more.

I like to balance out these occasional adult-moments with moments that are truly, unmistakably childish. Doing my taxes in a pillow fort. Making my breakfast into a smiley face. Going to theme parks.

And dressing up.

Which is why I adore conventions, and love being one of the people that other people take photos of. I love being the one that is the most accurate, has the most detail, looks the most like a cartoon come to life.

The point of this post? I need new ones!!!

If you don't ask, you don't get...so here is me asking. Do you like reading what I write? Do you think it would be awesome to see photos of me in incredibly cosplay outfits? Then please, please, PLEASE donate to my cos-play fund!! I have a con coming up in April, and would absolutely love to order myself a latex rogue catsuit (think 80s cartoon series)....do something wonderful and forgoe your morning Starbucks to send me $5...or more if you want! I'll be tracking the progress on twitter (and probably here as well) and putting up a photo blog when we get there!

Thank you!!!

To send: www.GiftRocket.com
e-mail is scarlettpenthouse@gmail.com
Name: Scarlett Moore

Crawling Out of the Pillow Bar (I mean, Fort)

I found my liver.

The poor thing was tied to a chair in a basement somewhere and being tortured for information. I think it would have given up all my secrets, if it only knew which ones its tormentors were after.

Or, to put it another way....I had a really bad couple of weeks and decided to dive into a bottle of tequila and challenge the worm in there to a drinking contest. I approached each day as a challenge to see how little of it I could spend sober. Frankly, this was a lot of fun. Lets be totally honest here, as a general rule, extreme debauchery and narcotics usually are - what other possible reason would there be for doing them? So I was merrily on my way to replacing my blood with booze when I looked at two things.

1. My calendar.
2. My bank balance.

That stopped me in my (slightly unsteady) tracks.

So I poured the last of the booze down the sink, and decided to re-join the world of the living. I am back to posting, camming, filming, and all kinds of generally adult behavior. Although for some reason, I have started referring to my neck as "the sink".