I finally decided to start a blog for several reasons.
First off, it seems to be the thing to do if you are a savvy camgirl who wants to make fans happy. Fans love blogs, right?
But secondly, for years, I have been writing down snippets and snatches of prose (and occasional unintentional poetry) and having long involved debates with myself in the shower whenever I hear something that gets my mind spinning. After a particularly complex discussion over where the lines are drawn when it comes to sex work and cheating, I realized that I had to start a blog or find some explanation to give the man-beast as to why there was never any hot water...
So here I am. Blogging. And yes, at some point, I will get around to transcribing my sex-work-and-cheating conversation...as soon as I finish having it!
As I'm popping my blog-cherry, it seemed appropriate to start with something a little gentler, a little simpler, a little less likely to incite hate-mail...a candlelit, petal-strewn kind of topic, such as why I chose this title.
There is the obvious reason, of course. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. I am a prostitute. The word "prostitute" isn't one that many people feel too comfortable with, but lets be honest here, I perform sexual acts for money. I may do it via miles of cable and acres of server-farms, and much of it may be acts that the average person does many times a day without any sexual connotation whatsoever (brushing your hair, for example) but when stripped down to the essentials, its still sex acts for money. Mary Magdalene just didn't have access to a webcam.
But it goes beyond drawing a parallel between myself and a famous historical whore.
Books have been written about Mary Magdalene, and theories abound as to who, exactly, this woman was. Was she just a prostitute? A wonderful example of the depths to which Jesus would sink in his efforts to love the entire world? Was she his lover? As books like The Da Vinci Code suggest, was she his wife? The mother of his child? Or, as many pagan alternative historians suggest, was she in fact a priestess of the older faiths, and represented as a prostitute in an effort by biblical scholars to discredit the practices of those who worshipped other gods - and (heaven forbid) goddesses? As I read in several books by alternative biblical scholars, is she a symbol, a representation - part of a feminine holy trinity, along with the Virgin Mary, and other Marys that are present in that holy book?
Who was Mary Magdalene?
She was both Madonna and Whore; the Priestess of the Goddess, and the betrayer of womanhood. She represents the lost and the rescued, the exalted and the debased. She is complex, mysterious; the subject of debate and conspiracy, hatred and fascination in equal measure.
And that, to me, is how this industry makes you feel.
Spectacular writing Miss Scarlett, I look foward to much more