Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Responsible Slut: Passing The Test

Today I got up bright and early, and dragged my ass into the city to go to my favorite clinic, and get my 3 month STI check.

Lets face it, it's never a pleasant duty, but much like folding laundry, doing dishes, paying the phone bill and filing your taxes, getting tested is just part of being a grown-up. So why is it that so many people refuse to get tested at all, or wait until they think that there is something wrong before they slink into the clinic in a wig and sunglasses? Why are people so ashamed to go to the clinic, in a way they would never be to go to the optician, or the dentist?

Lets make one thing very, very clear. There is NOTHING shameful about taking care of your health. You go for regular checkups for your eyes, your teeth, your body...so why not your ladybits? (Or gentlemanbits, of course!!)

For one thing - these check-ups are not just for VD, believe it or not. Even if you are a freaking virgin, you should still be getting certain things checked on an annual or bi-annual basis. From the age of 21, you should be getting a pap-smear bi-annually, to check for cervical cancer. You will also be checked internally for lumps, bumps, weirdnesses, soreness - this can detect the beginning of issues with your reproductive system, and is pretty damn important. Far more minor, but also useful, even if you are not having sex, is getting your PH checked. You can also be screened for BV or a yeast infection, which can happen to anyone.

So what if you are actually having sex? You only need to go if you are having unprotected sex with strangers, right? FUCK NO. First off, condoms are not 100% effective. So while they are still a good idea, they don't negate your need for testing. And your assumption that your partner is faithful - well, I'm hoping they are, but you don't want to stake your fertility and health on an assumption. Besides, even if they are being faithful, if they have ever had sex before you...well, some things are symptomless, or can lie dormant for a very, very long time before an outbreak.

Obviously, there are factors that mean you may want to be tested more or less frequently. Only having sex with yourself? Bi-annually is plenty. Have a regular partner? Every 6months - 1year is fine. When I was into the whole monogamy thing, I would go every 6 months, or every new partner, whichever came around first. If you are like me, and tend to have a lot of sex with a lot of people, it's not exactly practical to go every time you manage to take home someone new to play with. In that case, borrow a practice from the world of porn, and go every 3 months.

Bottom line - its not exactly fun, but it's free, it's pretty painless, and it is smart. Suck it up. It'll take you maybe an hour or two out of every three months (tops), and you probably spend more time than that checking facebook in a week.

Time to put on your big girl panties. And then take them off again on a paper-covered table.

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