Wednesday, 9 January 2013

2013 - Year of the Naked Nerd!

As a follow up to my New Year post about getting shit done, I thought you might like to get a little personal, and learn what, exactly, I intend to get done this year. So scooch in closer boys and girls, and I'll let you into the inner workings of my yearly goals.

Fair warning - there are a lot of them. Partly because the only way I know to aim is high. Partly because I have developed a bit of a shotgun approach to goal-setting, so that I always feel accomplished. Set ONE goal, and you either do it (yay!) or you fail (boo!). Set MULTIPLE goals, and you are bound to succeed at a few of them - especially if you follow my Get Shit Done rules. Then even if you fail at one or two, you can still look at a long list of completed goals and feel all smug. I do love smugness. Don't you?

The thing is, I thought that 2012 had been a really tough year for me...but then I realized that it really hasn't been "bad" - it's just been a bit..."nothing". I actually have a life that most people would kill for - I just have insanely high standards for myself, and if something isn't amazeballs all the time, I start wondering and feeling bad.

Two points to that - 1. I have SO MANY plans and goals for 2013, just because 2012 made me realize that just getting by, having a reasonable life, being "content" NOT enough for me. Time to get back to swimming around in AWESOME and remembering that "good enough isn't". 2. Brings me to the first goal, that is related to everything in my life, not just my camming.

So here they are, 13 goals for 2013, because 13 is my lucky number!:

1. Work on my GRATITUDE. Recently, my attitude has started to change - I have found myself focusing on the negative, losing faith in things, and losing sight of how incredibly amazing certain things in my life are, because I am focusing on the bad stuff. That is ending. NOW. back to gratitude and positivity.
2. Actually WORK. all. 2012, I let all kinds of stuff take over, and become excuses for not actually being on cam and working. Screw that - 2013, I will be working full time, and it will pay off...big time.
3. Stop being SUCH a hermit. In 2012, I think that I went out and was social with friends maybe once a month. Maaaybe. Probably closer to once every six weeks. My friends deserve better, and deserve more of my time. Social life, come back! I miss you!
4. Diversify. I basically make all my money from one site, and if it went down, or I got kicked off, I would be back at square one. I am already working on making more of a few others, and when my debts are paid and I can take a little earnings hit, I will be giving MFC (that giant beast of the camming industry!) another try.
5. Work on my brand. Mainly, build my damn website! (renewed my domain last week, and realized I owned it for a YEAR without doing a damn thing)...but also start to link my profiles, join more forums, MPP, social media, youtube...basically pimp out my name.
6. Work on my writing. Partially as part of the brand (my blog), partially as part of the diversifying (self-published erotica), and partially so that I can eventually have writing be my main source of income.
7. Get more involved in the world - read more freaking news, connect to the industry news, join forums, enter the blogosphere, take some classes.
8. The inevitable...lose those last 10lbs. Lost over 10lbs THIS year, so I know I can do it!
9. The other inevitable - deal with my damn finances.
10. Get a bunch of new tattoos - I can't believe I have added basically nothing new all year! Also think that this will be the year that I get my ears pointed.
11. Get back to travelling! I realized that I have barely left my city this whole year. Screw that! At least on big trip a quarter. And I am including in this that I either need to actually move to NYC by the end of the year, or at least have started talking with an immigration lawyer and have the process of getting my visa sorted underway.
12.Fix it, or Finish it! There are certain things that are always in the back of my mind, that constantly make my life just a tiny bit worse. Like the lighting in my cam room. The age of my computer system. The lack of a vacuum cleaner than leads to me sweeping my rugs. That friend who always flakes. That thing I've been intending to do. This year, as soon as I notice one of those annoying little things, it is time to either fix it, or get rid of it! Stop carrying them around - they may be tiny things individually, but it is like carrying a sack of maggots - a lot of small things add up to one big, unwieldy, disgusting burden.
13. Do some volunteering, give a little back, and hopefully start the process of qualifying my dog and I to do volunteer search and rescue.

This year is going to be AWESOME. (As are you, if you actually read this whole post!)

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