However, I have a dirty little secret to share with you.
Sometimes, I just don't have a lot to say.
I know, it seems mind-boggling, because I usually have SO MUCH to say that I can't fit it all in one post, or continue to tweet/facebook/write other articles elsewhere because I just can't stop talking.
No-one who has ever dropped in on my live show would, for even one teeny second, think that I am in any way quiet, reserved, or have nothing to say. The word "crazy" gets thrown around a lot, as does "tigger". Luckily, most people seem more charmed than scared by my ability to ramble about anything for hours on end. Thank christ for that - if people just found it annoying, I'd have to get a job where I start before twelve and wear pants. *shudder.
And yet, today is one of those days where I just don't have anything to review, really.
But Never Fear! I shall not leave you with nothing. Instead, I shall leave you with a link and a borrow (like the bloggers version of a wink and a nudge, in a lot of ways!) from one of my favorite bloggers. It seemed appropriate to blog about having nothing to say by linking to another blog about bloggers not always being able to say stuff.
So here it is. Enjoy.
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